Several years ago I made it my quest to try and eat healthier. Oh I don't mean fanatically, but I decided to "go natural" as much as possible. The first thing I did was cut out soft drinks and drink water - lots of water! Next I cut down on the "white stuff" - white sugars, breads and foods high in those things. I lost twenty pounds in the process! Next I began to shop for "real food" - food that contained no preservatives or fillers etc. Then I cut out toxins that were harmful - foods containing gluten, corn syrup etc. Finally I opted fro non-GMO grown foods and finally organic. Fast foods were an occasional splurge but no longer a regular habit. It is amazing what I experienced as a result of this progression. My body knew the difference! Healthy food or "real food" as I like to call it, tasted SO much better! It was really like night and day. Now when I try to indulge in things containing a high sugar content, or even drink a soft drink, it just tastes way too sweet and I can't consume more than a bite or two or a sip or two as is the case. Anytime I get fast food or "comfort food," my body lets me know it wasn't the best decision the next day. I am bloated, lethargic and nauseous. I have an overall "yucky" feeling. So what about you? Can your tell a difference in the way you feel when you eat food not healthy as opposed to what is healthy?