As a person dealing with chronic pain due to fibromyalgia, neuropathy and degenerative
disc disease, I think I've tried every medicine under the sun both FDA approved, holistic and everything in between. While some of them have helped in the short-term, I've found that over time my body simply becomes immune to the medication and it the medication becomes less and less effective. There are two "medicines" however, that I've found to be tried and true. One comes straight from the old adage - "laughter is the best medicine." Ancient scripture even states: "A merry heart does good like a medicine." Once when I was suffering from a migraine, nothing had eased the pain. I was talking with my son when something humorous happened. We began to laugh hysterically! Once the laughter subsided, I found something else had subsided - my headache! The endorphins had done their job.
Another "medicine" that has proved itself to me is sleep. People with fibromyalgia struggle with deep level sustained sleep. I often wake feeling just as tired as when I went to bed the night before. However, when I am able to relax my body and clear my mind, as well as eat properly, I catch a rare night of "blissful" sleep. Forgive the pun, but it is like a "night and day" difference for me. I find my pain level low to non-existent and my energy level much higher than my "normal." Sleep is honestly and without question the best medicine for me. What about you? Can you tell a difference?