Just watched the press conferences following the result of the healthcare bill debate
and subsequent pull of the bill. It was a reminder to me about commitments the President made to the American people. He promised to make changes to benefit "we the people." This agenda on the healthcare bill was not in the best interests of the people as a whole so it was pulled. Truthfully it should not have been pushed to begin with. We can place blame on one political party or the other, on one faction or another, one leader or another or even on the President. My observation on all of it, is this. Our "civil servants" (and I use that term loosely) are voted in to be advocates for the people, not for themselves, their party, their agenda, their ideology etc. It is beyond time for our government leaders to think about what is best for "we the people" - ALL the people. What a world it would be if it became about the good of the people, the strength of a country. What do you think? Like him or hate him, it seems the President wants to make it about the people again, but the swamp is deep and the stronghold of power is fierce.