Two events occurred today that were strangely coincidental . First was my choice for "supper" tonight. I decided to barbecue some pork by slowly cooking it in the oven. After I put the package out to thaw I was channel surfing - mostly trying to find a movie or two that I could set to record and watch later tonight after I settled in. Two southern favorites were playing back to back. One was "Driving Miss Daisy" and the other one? "Fried Green Tomatoes!" Since I had already decided on the barbecue for supper, I couldn't help but think of the most remembered line of the second movie. No one who's ever seen the movie can forget a certain scene. You remember of course... "The secret's in the sauce!" (If you by chance haven't seen the movie, you have to find it and watch it at least once!) I'm not sure if that memory will bring a smile as I sit down to my meal or if it will totally ruin my appetite! Oh well. You can't make this stuff up! :) What's your favorite scene in "Fried Green Tomatoes?" If you have another southern movie favorite, share its memorable moments too...