My Fibro Story: New Life Outlook
(Published on New Life Outlook Network June 2, 2016) Fifteen years ago I was a single parent of a young son and I had the energy to go from zero to 60 in a second with no issues at all. I was like the Energizer bunny and found myself working as much as 90 hours in a week in my corporate career. It didn't take long for that to come to a screeching halt. I developed a migraine that simply would not go away!
Fibro Guilt – The Pain You Feel In Your Heart
(Published on "fibromyalgialivingtoday" Network July 2015 It was 15 years ago, but the memory is still as fresh as if it was yesterday. My body started experiencing pains I had never felt and my level of fatigue was worse than when I had been pregnant with my son; life as I knew it began to change.
A Fibromyalgia Letter to Friends and Family
(Published on New Outlook Network on March 13, 2018) A wise person once stated, “no man is an island.” No matter how strong or independent we desire to be as individuals, the truth is we all need each other, and we are much stronger with others than we are on our own.
7 Fun Fibromyalgia-Friendly Summer Activities
(Published on "fibromyalgialivingtoday" Network June 2018) When you have chronic pain and fatigue, it is easy to get overwhelmed at just the thought of warm weather outings. When I was first diagnosed with fibromyalgia, planning family time, date nights or simple personal days out was subject to change at a moment’s notice and often daunting. Add chronic pain to the mix, and it seemed all but impossible sometimes.
Don’t Let Fibromyalgia Limit Your Goals
(Published on New Life Outlook Network October 26, 2015) Life is an individual journey for each of us. Being diagnosed with fibromyalgia doesn't end that unique journey, but it does change it. The one thing that it must not do, however, is stall you out or stop you dead in your tracks.
Lifestyle Changes for Better Living With Fibromyalgia
(Published on New Life Outlook November 2, 2017) Change is something that is inevitable throughout life. Sometimes it is by choice, other times it is of necessity, and it is always challenging no matter the circumstance. As a long-term sufferer of fibromyalgia, I’ve learned the importance of making lifestyle changes to better adjust to the health-imposed changes forced on me by this frustrating condition.
Finding Your New Normal After Fibromyalgia
(Published on New Life Outlook June 23, 2015) This past week was one of “those” weeks for me. I helped my son move out of his apartment — a feat that can be daunting for someone with fibromyalgia to say the least. After a long day of pushing past the pain, fatigue, and dealing with time restraints, I said, “Why can’t things just be normal again? I want my life back!” I have been a fibro sufferer for 15 years now and the truth is, I won’t get my life back, nor will things go back to normal — at least not the old normal.
Making Your Home a Fibro Safe Haven
(Published on New Life Outlook September 20, 2016) Whether out of necessity or desire, those dealing with the effects of fibromyalgia spend more time in their homes than the average person. It could be due to the pain, flare-ups and fatigue that hinder excursions, running errands and various outdoor activities; or possibly due to the fact that you do not work outside the home or that home has become your safe haven.
Avoid These 10 Foods That Can Trigger Fibromyalgia Symptoms
(Published on New Life Outlook November 1, 2021) There is a consensus among health experts regarding certain foods. In fact, most of the foods that are mentioned are simply a given for every diet, not just those dealing with chronic illness or pain. So what are some of the foods to avoid with fibromyalgia?
What And Where Are The Tender Points For Fibromyalgia?
(Published on New Life Outlook Network September 28, 2017) Years ago, I taught a class on the “power of touch.” There was a case study on the healing effect of human contact and touch. Those who received hugs, light massage, and affection experienced a greater reduction of pain and a shorter recovery period than those who did not...
12 Coping Tips for Managing Fibromyalgia Fatigue, Pain and Stress
(Published on New Life Outlook December 7, 2017) Coping with fibromyalgia is always a work in progress as our bodies change and the conditions associated with FMS evolve in one way or another. I would love to proclaim that life can be all it once was, but truthfully, I have had to let go of things that were too daunting. I have also had to find a different approach to embracing the things I love that are still possible.
The Need to Set Priorities With Fibromyalgia
(Published on New Life Outlook March 8, 2016) Priorities — they can be a challenge to set and maintain for healthy individuals, nonetheless those dealing with the added issues that come with fibromyalgia. Still, setting priorities and learning how to fulfill them is of utmost importance if you are to regain control over your life once diagnosed with fibromyalgia.
Coping With Fibromyalgia Doctor Frustrations
(Published on New Life Outlook February 26, 2015) There are many conditions and symptoms associated with fibromyalgia. Some sufferers of FM deal with various conditions more than others and each person has a unique journey when dealing with this disease. But there is one aspect of fibromyalgia that is common among all sufferers — frustration! Each FM sufferer at one time or another has felt the frustration of being misunderstood, of not being heard and not being taken seriously.