"God's Touch For Mothers" - A Mother's Day Prayer
It is special occasions such as Mother's Day that opens the floodgate of my memories pouring them over me like a southern rainstorm on a blistering summer day. Today I pulled out a poem I had written a few years ago for the mother of a dear friend of mine. I've always felt a kindred spirit with her. She and I both had faced adversity as young mothers. I understood what she faced being left alone to care for a child. Actually, she had three children and gave more than her ALL to care for them and raise them. Even when she was blessed with a loving companion later on, she still took on a labor of love when he became crippled due to devastating disease in his body. Now in her seventies and long after her children are grown and gone, she still cares for her companion lovingly and tirelessly. Fortunately, her son lives nearby who is God's touch to her when she needs it most. We are kindred spirits in that regard also as my son Joshua has truly been God's touch to me, always being there and honoring me, caring for me and helping me when I need it most. I can't imagine life without God's touch, God's gift to me in my exceptional brown-eyed, big hearted young man.
Tonight I am also feeling a deep sense of gratitude and love for the example my mother and her mother have given me in what it means to be a mother. I don't think I would've managed one year of being a single mom without the example and instruction I had received growing up from my Mom and Maw Maw. They too, are God's touch to me and I love and admire them more than words can adequately express!
All mothers - single, married or widowed know what it's like to give more than our ALL. We understand what it's like to be tired but refusing to quit, to be weary but never consider giving up. Somehow we find strength that is bigger than us, and at the very moment that we feel our knees buckling under us, God's touch comes to us in the gentlest of ways. One look in our children's eyes, one hug or one touch infuses us with a joy that causes any hardship to pale in comparison! This prayer poem comes from my heart to each and every mother this Mother's Day! YOU are true heroes!!!!!
From The Heart, Starla